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Dies ist mein Text.

Just make sure that accordiontarget is a valid selector or a reference to the HTML element you want to target. If you encounter any issues, you may want to double-check your HTML structure and ensure that the necessary elements and classes are present.

ust make sure that accordiontarget is a valid selector or a reference to the HTML element you want to target. If you encounter any issues, you may want to double-check your HTML structure and ensure that the necessary elements and classes are present.

Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  • $(accordiontarget): Selects the element specified by accordiontarget.
  • .find('.accordioncontent'): Finds child elements with the class .accordioncontent within the selected element.
  • .outerHeight(): Retrieves the outer height of the first matched element.

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Martina Tschenett
Schulführungskraft am Schulsprengel Naturns

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Telefon: +39 0473 667 187

Irmgard Hanni
Stellvertretende Schulführungskraft am Schulsprengel Naturns

Telefon: +39 0473 667 187